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medical patient license

Answering the Top Four Oklahoma Medical Marijuana Patient License Questions

While medical marijuana is legal in the state, the Oklahoma Medical Marijuana Authority (OMMA) still sets strict guidelines on who can apply for these licenses. With that in mind, patients need to follow a few rules to get approval for their applications.  What does the process entail and how do you qualify for a license?…


Has Anyone Lost Their SSI Benefits Over Medical Marijuana?

Oklahoma is one state that allows residents to purchase marijuana for medical use. However, if you receive government benefits, like Social Security, could you be at risk of losing those entitlements? Some programs have regulations for their participants. But has anyone lost their SSI benefits over medical marijuana? Here is what you need to know. …


Can You Go to a Dispensary Without a Card in Oklahoma?

Over the years, the access to marijuana has shifted. Many states allow certain individuals to purchase cannabis for their medical needs, including Oklahoma. Now, residents over 18 can use marijuana for therapeutic purposes with a valid physician’s recommendation. But can you go to a dispensary without a card in Oklahoma? With all the regulations centering…

flowers in bowl

Why You Need a Written Operating Agreement for Your Oklahoma Marijuana Business

While Oklahoma does not require marijuana businesses to have a written operating agreement, you may want to use one for several reasons. These agreements can help to protect you and your operations. Here are 10 reasons why you should consider a written operating agreement for your Oklahoma marijuana business.  #1. Offers Legal Protection When you…